/ Services / Marriage

“A great mystery is being celebrated. How is it a mystery? They come together, and the two are made one. They have not become the image of anything earthly, but of God Himself. They come in order to be made one body; behold the mystery of love!”

– St. John Chrysostom, Homily 12 on Colossians

Marriage is truly a “great mystery,” the mystery of the meeting of human love and divine love, the very sign and image of God’s presence with humanity. In the Old Testament, Israel was referred to as God’s “spouse,” while in the New Testament, the Church is referred to as the “bride” of Christ. These images attempt to convey in human categories what the Church Fathers refer to as the “frenzied love” of God for His people.

Marriage is much more than a merely private transaction between two individuals; it is an event in which Jesus Christ Himself participates through the presence of the sacramental minister, the priest, and that of the praying community, the church. In view of this “ecclesial” dimension of marriage, therefore, a wedding must be performed within the context of the Orthodox Church in order for the Church to recognize and affirm the validity and authenticity of the marriage.


Click Here to Complete a Wedding Application

1. Membership

One or both members of the engaged couple must be a member in good standing of St. John's; he/she must be a paid steward. Couples coming from another parish must pay a facilities usage fee of $750 and present documentation that they are in good standing at their home parish.

If one of the spouses has been previously married and divorced, he/she must present a copy of the civil divorce decree. Furthermore, if a previous marriage took place in the Orthodox Church, the divorced spouse must also have received an ecclesiastical divorce. Please be advised, this process for Ecclesiastical divorce can take several months.

2. Membership for Sponsors (Koumbaroi)

The Sponsors (koumbaros/koumbara) is the one who stands as witness on behalf of the Orthodox Church during the ceremony. Hence, it is imperative that this person be an Orthodox Christian in good standing with the Church; there are no exceptions to this rule. The Sponsors must also be a member in good standing of the Orthodox Church. Sponsors from another Orthodox parish must provide a Letter of Good Standing from their parish priest.

3. Invitations

No invitations should be printed until the date and time has been confirmed by the Fr. Gregory.

4. Pre-Marital Counseling

In order to provide the engaged couple with every opportunity to enjoy all the blessings of married life, a three session program of pre-marital counseling is provided by the priest prior to the wedding. Please note that these sessions are not optional. If the engaged couple so chooses, they may seek professional pre-marriage counseling with a qualified therapist; in this case, the couple should inform the church office of their choice in advance.

5. Ecclesiastical Marriage License

At least two months prior to the wedding, the bride and groom are required to schedule an appointment to meet with the priest in order to apply for the ecclesiastical marriage license. At this time, the following must be presented:

  • Copies of their baptismal certificates
  • If the bride and/or groom have come from Greece or some other foreign country after their 18th birthday, he and/or she must present a “Certificate of Eligibility for Marriage” from the bishop of their original town and state.
  • If the Bride or Groom is from an Orthodox parish in some other city, he/she must present a letter from his/her priest attesting to eligibility for marriage.
  • If the Bride is under 18 years of age and/or if the groom is under 21 years of age, a letter of consent from the parents must be presented.
  • If either Bride or Groom was married before in a civil service, a CERTIFIED civil divorce must be presented.
  • If either Bride or Groom was married before in the Orthodox Church, that marriage must have been officially dissolved by an Orthodox Church Court. The original document attesting to the Church Divorce must be presented.
  • If either Bride or Groom is a member of some other Christian Church, a letter from their clergyman stating that he/she has been baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity and that he/she is eligible to marry must be presented.
  • If the Bride or Groom are widowed, a death certificate of the deceased spouse must be presented.

6. Civil Marriage License

The couple is responsible for acquiring the civil marriage license from the state. The Church cannot facilitate this process. Residents of New Jersey must obtain the civil license in their home township; non-residents of New Jersey must obtain the civil license in Tenafly. Before the day of the wedding the couple should bring the civil license, which the priest will sign.

7. Location of the Wedding Sacrament

A wedding is not just a beautiful ceremony that can be celebrated in any setting, such as a park, a home, a beach, etc. A wedding is a sacrament of the Church and must, therefore, be celebrated inside the Church. The Greek Orthodox Church will not perform weddings outside the Church. Please do not ask the priest to perform a wedding in any other setting.

8. Sacramental preparation

The bride and/or groom who are of the Orthodox Faith are encouraged to participate in the sacraments of Holy Confession and Holy Communion the week before the wedding.

Wedding Day Preparations:

1. Items necessary for the wedding day:
  • Stephana (Crowns).
  • Rings for both the bride and the groom.
  • Two white candles.
  • Civil marriage license.
  • A bottle of communion wine (may be purchased from the Church Office)
  • If desired, a platter with white Jordan almonds (koupheta) are traditionally prepared for the wedding.
2. Flowers and Decorations

The Sanctuary of an Orthodox church is magnificent in its own right, and does not require further “decoration”;  Flowers are permitted in the sanctuary and the narthex area, but must be approved by the parish priest and done in good taste. If a candle stand is to be placed down the aisle (in the event of an evening wedding), approval must be obtained in advance from the priest.

3. Wedding Gowns and Bridesmaids’ dresses

Regardless of fashion and societal custom, a sense of modesty and chastity must be maintained inside the sanctuary. Every wedding takes place in front of an icon of the ever-virgin Theotokos, whose humility and modesty requires a corresponding sense of decorum; Brides and Bridesmaids should therefore cover their shoulders in Church. If their dresses do not cover the shoulders, a wrap or jacket should be worn during the ceremony.

4. Music in the Sanctuary

The traditional music of the Greek Orthodox Church is Byzantine Chant. The Protopsaltis (Head Chanter) of the parish will provide the music necessary for the ceremony. Before and after the ceremony an organist may play music. When you register for your wedding, you will receive further information about this.

5. Invitations to the Reception

If you wish to have the priest attend your reception, please send an invitation to him and his presvytera in advance. Too many people simply assume that the priest will come and then casually mention it following the service. Due to the size of our community, it is very difficult for the priest to attend every reception. If his schedule allows, Fr. Gregory will make every effort to attend.

6. Promptness

St. John's is a very busy parish. Frequently, two or even three weddings or baptisms are scheduled for the same day. You must make every effort to be prompt on your wedding day. If you arrive excessively late, your wedding might be delayed until the end of the day. The priest will not delay later scheduled sacraments to accommodate your tardiness.

Inter-Christian Marriages

The Orthodox Church can only perform a wedding for two baptized Christians. Interfaith marriages (i.e. between an Orthodox Christian and a member of a non-Christian faith) cannot be performed. The Orthodox Christian Faith will, however, bless inter-Christian marriages under the following conditions:

1. The non-Orthodox party must be a Christian who has been baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.
2. The couple must pledge to baptize any children born to them in the Orthodox Church.
3. The marriage must take place in the Orthodox Church according to the prescribed form of the Service Book, the Orthodox priest being the sole celebrant.
4. Should the presence of a non-Orthodox clergyman be requested, the following must be clarified:

  • The Orthodox priest, after receiving permission from the bishop, will issue an invitation to the clergyman.
  • The Orthodox wedding ceremony does not permit the active participation of non-Orthodox clergy. This must be made explicit to all concerned.
  • At the conclusion of the Orthodox ceremony, the guest clergyman, advised as to appropriate vesture and as agreed previously, will be properly acknowledged and may give his benediction and good wishes to the couple.

5. The following regulations concerning interfaith marriages must be observed:

  • Non-Orthodox persons may act as ushers or bridesmaids at the Orthodox Marriage, but the koumbaros/ koumbara must be an Orthodox Christian, as stated earlier.
  • An Orthodox Christian whose marriage has not been blessed by the Orthodox Church is no longer in good standing with the Orthodox Church and consequently is not eligible to participate in the sacraments of the Orthodox Church, including receiving Holy Communion, acting as a sponsor at an Orthodox wedding, baptism or chrismation (confirmation), or to receive an Orthodox funeral.
  • A non-Orthodox Christian who marries an Orthodox Christian does not automatically become a member of the Orthodox Church, and is therefore not permitted to receive Holy Communion or the other Sacraments of the Orthodox Church nor an Orthodox funeral.

Days when marriages are not permitted:

Weddings may not be performed during the following periods:

  1. September 14 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
  2. December 13-25 (Nativity Fast & Christmas)
  3. January 5-6 (Theophany)
  4.  Great Lent & Holy Week (7 weeks before Pascha)
  5. Pascha
  6. Pentecost (7th Sunday after Pascha)
  7. During the Apostles Fast (days preceding June 29; number of days changes according to date of Pascha)
  8.  August 1-15 (Dormition Fast & Feast)
  9. August 29 (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)
  10.  On any Feast Day of our Lord (e.g. Transfiguration, etc.)
  11. On Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the Year (Fast Days)

Prohibited Marriages:

1. Parents with their own children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren.
2. Brothers-in-law with sisters-in-law.
3. Uncles and aunts with nieces and nephews.
4. First cousins with each other.
5. Foster parents with foster children or foster children with the children of foster parents.
6. Godparents with Godchildren or Godparents with the parents of Godchildren.


Metropolitan Cathedral St. John The Theologian
353 E Clinton Ave; Tenafly, NJ 07670

  • Sun

    9:00 Divine Liturgy
  • Sun

    9:00 Divine Liturgy
  • Sun

    9:00 Divine Liturgy

Metropolitan Cathedral St. John The Theologian
353 E Clinton Ave; Tenafly, NJ 07670

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