Join Our Growing List of Donors!
Tom & Allison Orecchio
Anthony & Christine Barbarise
Michael & Lauren Camarinos
Gregory & Demetra Kiriakou
Olga Milanos
Stavro & Audrey Soussou
Dr. George Stoupakis & Dr. Margarita Lolis
George Tsougarakis & Eva Poneros
John & Stella Baker
Spiro & Gena Dongaris
Jimmy & Caryl Kourgelis
Dr. Marinos & Anna Lilikas
Jerry & Barbara Makris
Methodios & Christine Nicholas
Dimitrios & Joanna Paliouras
John & Angela Philips
Dean & Maria Pialtos
Dr. Themistocles Protopsaltis & Dr. Athena Lolis
Peter & Sotiroula Savas
Nick & Carolyn Sekas
Mario & Denise Socrates
George & Maria Staphos
AHEPA Bergen Knights
Elias Dokos & Andrea Stassou
David & Alexandra Luster
Jimmy & Pauline Zervoudis
Canela Baker
Presvytera Argeroula Combitsis
George & Ginger Gines
Larry & Elizabeth Goldman
James & Joan Kafes
Jerry & Barbara Makris
Mark & Aspasia Melis
Leonidas & Mae Savas
Anonios Tsougarakis
Dimitri Vomvouras
Preserving Our Inheritance
Generation-to-Generation (G2G) is a four-year campaign to raise the funds required to refurbish and upgrade our beloved Cathedral and to ensure the continuation of our ministries for the next generation.
Our goal is to raise $750,000 to address some of the most urgent projects identified by our Buildings & Grounds Committee. These include (estimated price):
- Rehabilitation of the Cathedral Dome ($250K)
- Restoration of the Marble Arch over Cathedral Doors ($50K)
- Replacement of the Cathedral Roofs ($50K)
- Replacement of Cultural Center Roofs ($300K)
- Conservation of the Cathedral Mosaics ($50K)
- Renovation of the Priest’s Office ($40K)
While these projects are expensive, the cost of deferred maintenance will prove even greater if we wait. Your contribution now will benefit our community for generations to come.
Passing It On
Since our doors opened in 1969, our Cathedral has provided our community with the means to cultivate their Orthodox Faith and preserve their Greek Heritage. We want our children and grandchildren, as well as the new families that join our community each year, to enjoy the same uplifting worship, as well as thriving educational and community programs for youth, adults, and seniors.
Your contribution can make that happen. There are many ways to participate: a single or recurring donation of cash or securities in your name, a donation in memory of a loved one who cared deeply for our Cathedral. Pledged donations may be completed over the four years of the campaign.
- Great Benefactor – $100,000+
- Benefactor - $50,000+
- Patron – $25,000+
- Angel – $10,000+
- Donor – $5,000+
- Contributor – Up to $5,000
Donations of $5000 or more will be memorialized in perpetuity on the bronze plaques located in the Cathedral Narthex, along with those who have contributed to the construction, maintenance, and preservation of our Cathedral.
All donations will be recognized in print and on our Cathedral and G2G website.
Planned Giving
Now is also the perfect time to review your Estate Planning and designate our Cathedral as a beneficiary of your will or investment portfolio. A planned gift to our endowment, The St. John’s Foundation, will ensure the Cathedral’s financial security in perpetuity.

Metropolitan Cathedral St. John The Theologian
353 E Clinton Ave; Tenafly, NJ 07670
16Mar9:00 Divine LiturgySun
23Mar9:00 Divine LiturgySun
30Mar9:00 Divine Liturgy